Wednesday, August 31, 2005

President Disconnected

Rather than face the final two days of Hurricane Cindy, Commander Codpiece was gracious enough to cut his vacation short to "deal" with Hurricane Katrina. On the flight back, Air Force One "swooped low" over New Orleans so that he could view the damage. How nice. Anyway, here's a view of New Orleans from ~5000 feet, the altitude of AF1:

Somehow, I don't think he was able to see this:

or this:

or this:

or these:

You might notice that most of these pictures show poor black and elderly people. That would be because they were least able to afford to evacuate. This was not a matter of wanting to leave - it was a matter of not being able to leave. And now the poor are paying the highest price for being poor. Tragic elsewhere in the world. Unacceptable here in America.


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