Monday, September 19, 2005

Can Democrats please stop it!

Donna Brazille's sycophantic praising of Commander Codpiece's staged bullshit Katrina speech from New Orleans was bad enough, but then you have the last elected president of the United States going on "This Week" and saying crap like this:

(BILL) CLINTON: Because the Republicans knew I wouldn't appoint somebody they wanted on the Court, and they knew that I'd appointed judges that were not extreme left-wingers, that were more or less mainstream judges and were unquestionably qualified.

Now, Judge Roberts is unquestionably qualified by intellect and character and background and by experience, but the next two appointments to the Supreme Court, his and the replacement for Justice O'Connor, can change the balance on a lot of important things. So I think that's —

Excuse me, but if any other professional (doctor, lawyer, engineer) applied for the highest position in their industry, and had the limited experience that Roberts has, they'd be laughed out of the interview. Remember, Chief Justice is the pinnacle for judges, and here's a man with barely two years as a judge. So next time a Democrat says something as stupid as what Clinton said, they should be slapped, and slapped hard.


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