Monday, September 26, 2005

David Brooks - horse's ass

Something I've known for a long time, but every time I see him or read him, it's simply reconfirmed. This time he was subbing for Tim Russert on Meet the Press. At least it seemed that way. During the panel discussion (along with Maureen Dowd and Tom Friedman...hmmm, where was Joe Conason or David Corn?), I saw him more than Dowd, Friedman, and Russert COMBINED. One thing I'm wondering - has Brooks EVER talked with a true liberal/progressive/Democrat? He talks like he understands exactly what is going through our heads, but his words indicate he doesn't have a fucking clue what we are thinking. In fact, he's not even close, and a monkey throwing darts at a list of stuff could come closer to our ideas and philosophies. So he's dumber than a monkey, and a horse's ass - interesting twofer that one.


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