Monday, December 05, 2005

Sentinel LTTE dumbass

Today's winner is... Richard Herndon of Clermont. He commits the common mistake of claiming to be a Democrat, and then espousing Republican talking points. And to make it worse, today he is using Joe Lieberman to support his case. Whoops!

Posted December 5, 2005

On Tuesday, Sen. Joseph Lieberman wrote a brave and compelling article in the Wall Street Journal on why "Our Troops Must Stay" in Iraq. In it he presented a very positive view of what is happening in Iraq. He pointed out that 80 percent of the Iraqis believe that things will be better next year. He stated that in two-thirds of Iraq there is little violence. He stated that the Iraqi economy is growing. He stated that even the Sunnis are campaigning for the December election in a free and open press.

He seems to be the only Democratic leader who is brave enough to look at what is really happening there and has the wisdom to see the strategic value of success in Iraq. Is he the only Democratic leader who can see past the short-term political advantages of trying to make President Bush look bad?

All Americans need to know of the real success that is happening in Iraq. All Americans need to see that when 8 million Iraqis vote, we are winning. All Americans need to see that only by planting democracy in the Middle East will we ever win the war on terror.

As a lifetime Democrat, I think that if the Democratic Party ever wants to get back in power, its members need to listen to Lieberman.

Yes, Richard Herndon, you are a dumbass. It is exactly BECAUSE of Democrats like Lieberman that the party is in the position it is.


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