Monday, December 19, 2005

Sentinel LTTE dumbass

Today's winner is...Wesley W. Brumback of Oviedo. Mr Brumback takes all the tired, over-used right wing talking points about Vietnam and manages to combine them into a single letter. Unfortunately for Brumback, they are all bullshit. Congratulations Orlando Sentinel for being dumbasses as well, actually printing this letter.

Posted December 18, 2005

Many thanks to Charles M. Grist for his recent column. It's ironic that the two biggest critics of the war in Iraq are men with distinct ties to our only failed military operation (Vietnam).

Sen. John Kerry returned from serving and promptly gave false testimony before Congress in the "famed" Winter Soldier Hearings. Kerry not only lied about the actions of the men he left behind, he also later admitted that the evidence he gave was "hearsay." His testimony contributed greatly to the demonization of our servicemen during and after the war. Today, Kerry labels our men as terrorists and equates Iraq with Vietnam.

Sen. Teddy Kennedy led Congress to cut funding for the South Vietnamese army, leading to its defeat. As outlined in the brilliant A Better War by Lewis Sorley, the policy of pacification and extensive training of the South Vietnamese army had led to a strong turnaround on the battlefield by the U.S. and its ally. Kennedy thought then, as he does now, that abandoning an ally at a critical time was worth the risk to America as long as he was able to achieve political gain.

I am sure those in agreement with the senators feel they are preventing the deaths of future American servicemen. I have personal knowledge that those who have served in Iraq feel their mission is a just, noble and worthy endeavor. These senators would pull us out of Iraq at the first politically opportune moment, allowing our losses suffered to be in vain and leaving America threatened by another, greater, terrorist threat.

Yes, Wesley Brumback, you are a dumbass. A dumbass who doesn't know history. And an (dis)honorable mention to the Sentinel.


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