Wednesday, January 11, 2006

What the fuck is wrong with people?

Are they so stupid that they can look at the facts as if they don't matter at all? Apparently they can, towit (courtesy James Wolcott - go there to get to the nutjob):

Heavy Hangs the Thumb


"Excuse me," she [ed: Pamela at Atlas Shrugs] writes, excusing herself, "but I'm heartbroken over the exit of one of the finest congressman I've ever seen. And in each glowing endorsement of [Roy] Blunt, this fine man's name is nowhere mentioned like it's poison now. They've managed to erase Delay's power, integrity, and legacy all in one fell swoop although the latter two are still there. They're just covered up. I'm not sure which bothers me more [sic]...his personal hardship, the loss to the party, the loss to the nation, or the sickening victory of the bastards who sought to bring him down."

Welcome to America, where ignorance abounds.


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