Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Open letter to Rep Ron Paul

Rep Paul,

I am not a constituent (I live in Florida) and I am a Democrat. However, I wanted to pass on my appreciation for your statement "Iran: The Next Neocon Target" and let you know that there are many Democrats in this country who agree with what you've said, and could not have written something better in their own words.

One statement you made brought to my mind a question:

"In a way it’s amazing there’s not a lot more outrage expressed by the American people. There’s plenty of complaining but no outrage over policies that are not part of our American tradition. War based on false pretenses, 20,000 American casualties, torture policies, thousands jailed without due process, illegal surveillance of citizens, warrantless searches, and yet no outrage. When the issues come before Congress, Executive authority is maintained or even strengthened while real oversight is ignored."

My question is this - what form of outrage do you expect? Millions of us have contacted our senators and representatives regarding each of the issues you mentioned. Millions more marched prior to the invasion of Iraq, yet Congress and the President ignored our efforts.

Given the current economy, Americans have very little time to research, understand, and act on these events, and yet millions have. My contention is not that there is insufficient outrage, but that there is insufficient interest in Congress to pay attention to us.


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