Thursday, August 31, 2006

Have the terrorists won?

For America, Democracy Is Always More Important Than Security
by Chris Bowers, Thu Aug 31, 2006 at 02:02:42 AM EST
I should not be blogging this late, but I have to make a quick post before bed on a subject that has been irritating me for a while. Ever since 9/11, politicians of both parties, as we can see in Harold Ford's commercial below, have been saying lines that are a variation on "nothing is more important than our security." Well, you know what? That is bullshit. There is something more important to America and Americans than security: democracy.

Protecting American democracy should be the first priority of anyone seeking office. Protecting our nation comes second. America actually was founded in order to protect our democracy, rather than our nation. The civil war was fought to protect and further our democracy. There is no such thing as American identity without democracy. If, as a nation, protecting our nation has become more important than protecting our democracy, then we have lost our way as a nation both at home and abroad.



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