Tuesday, September 20, 2005

What's wrong with this picture

It pretty much stands on its own. And the thing is, if Energy, Transportation (mostly transit), Science and Space, and Natural Resources and Evironment were doubled ($77.7B) at the expense of the Defense expenditure (18%), we would probably realize greater national security than the amount currently being spent. Take this in light of the following:
U.S. Military Budget is the World's Largest, and Still Growing
where we spend more on defense than the next 16 countries combined, and the problem becomes even more visible. Throw in the $9.6B for ballistic missle defense, and now we're talking real money.
And the tragic part of this is that despite the amount of money being spent, we are no safer than we were pre-9/11. And this amount doesn't include funding for DHS ($32.4B) or $6.85B for nuclear weapons activities.


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