Thursday, January 19, 2006

Sentinel ignorant LTTE dumbass

Now this one required a little differentiation from a normal dumbass. Supposedly this person's traveled extensively, but doesn't realize that most European (and probably all but African) countries' citizens speak two or more languages. And I thought the China example somewhat ironic. See if you can spot the irony.

Posted January 19, 2006
I saw a bumper sticker the other day that my grandmother would have enjoyed: "Welcome to America; Now Speak English."

My grandmother landed at Ellis Island in 1903 and couldn't speak a word of English, but she learned. I can still hear her telling my grandfather to speak English, not German, because, as she told him: You are an American now!

I've traveled extensively, and the United States is the only country that panders to non-English speaking people. I'm not against our fellow citizens from other countries. I just believe they should learn the language. I take exception to having to choose between English and Spanish every time I call my bank, credit-card company, city, county, state or federal government.

You aren't given a choice in Mexico or France or Germany between the languages of those countries and English. What's laughable is that our archenemy, communist China, requires that all high-school and college students throughout the country study American English. The way our economy is going, maybe we should be learning Chinese, not Spanish.

Kenneth Puckett


Congratulations Ken, you are a dumbass. Maybe you should pay a little more attention when you're traveling, or at least get your head out of your ass. You might see some spectacular sites.


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