Who is Jesse MacBeth?
Good question. I had never heard of him, and I keep track of too many blogs where he certainly would have popped up. Then comes this diary over at dailykos:
Anatomy of an Anti-Liberal Viral Video
Ever heard of Jesse MacBeth? Up until a few days ago neither had I. And, most likely, neither had you. But, thanks to the right-wing blogsphere, you and I now know who he is and what he is all about. Or do we?
snafu's diary :: ::
You see, according to numerous right-wing blogs, Jesse MacBeth is a hero of the Liberal Left. Michelle Malkin referred to Jesse MacBeth as "the latest cause celebre of the anti-war Left...". Odd considering no one had heard of him until a few days ago. Also, very interesting, since according to other right-wing blogs, Jesse MacBeth is a true blue example of the Hateful Liberal Conspiracy to Imitate Conservatives, Imitate Soldiers, and to Blame the Warrior Soldiers for Everything Bad and Evil in the World.TM
Think about it. A video is offered on the internet. Right-wing propagandists, all versed in defined tactics of hatred for all things not of their liking, make a pointed (and very predictable) stand that the video is a bonifide example of Liberal hatred for the common soldier, is all the rage amongst the Liberal movement when it is clearly not, nor is the fact that the video is a Liberal creation any clearer than whether MacBeth was an Army Ranger. The selctiveness of the right-wing is amazing in this regard. They entirely dismiss the truthfulness and integrity of MacBeth (and by proxy all his statemnts) yet they entirely accept that this obvious piece of propaganda was created with the intent goal of bashing soldiers, rather than the goal of inciting the hatred of the right-wing and / or the suspicion of the left.
Bear in mind, I'm not saying that there is a conspiracy amongst the right-wing blogsphere. What I am saying is that they are being used, their behavior predictable and reliable, to push the "Liberals hate soldiers" meme out into the greater blogsphere and mainstream media. It's what they do and do very well. The rightie blogsphere promotes hatred. It's a cannon for it.
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