Wednesday, September 07, 2005

How far do the fingers of corruption extend?

"Blowback Barbour" Connected to Intentional Reduction of Refineries

To summarize:
Raw Story has uncovered oil industry memos that show the industry moved to Intentionally reduce refinery capacity to drive up gasoline profits.


And who was it that was working on the behalf of oil companies to at least limit their liability from using the harmful oxygenated additives if they can't be rid of the mandates all together?

It was lead by Hailey [sic] Barbour's lobbying firm. Yes that is the now Governor of Katrina ravaged Mississippi. He represented "The Oxygenated Fuels Association, which lobbied a House-Senate Conference Committee in 2003 to grant legal immunity to producers of toxic gas additive MTBE." (Learn more about oxygenates and MTBE at EPA site and the controversy of harmful MTBE at USGS and for latest update of limiting legal liability in present Energy Bill)

Hmmm, makes one wonder how exactly Haley Barbour became governor of Mississippe, and if it was coincidence given the extensive presence of refineries in that state.


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