Friday, September 30, 2005

Hughes delivers gift to Bin Laden

kos took apart Karen Hughes on her propaganda trip to the Middle East, but there was one thing she said that he didn't address, but indicates a certain amount of ignorance or hypocrisy on the part of this administration:
Hughes's simple, sincere and unadorned language reveals the administration's inner mind. Her ideas on terrorism and its solution are straightforward. "Terrorists," she said, "their policies force young people, other people's daughters and sons, to strap on bombs and blow themselves up." That is: somehow, magically, these evil-doers coerce the young to commit suicide. If only they would understand us, the tensions would dissolve.

This could apply equally to our commander-in-chief, on whose orders tens of thousands of our young men and women are in Iraq, raping and killing (not all obviously, but enough) the Iraqi people in order to "save" them. The only difference is for terrorists, it's voluntary. She obviously doesn't know the definition of the word "force."


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