Wednesday, October 05, 2005

What mykeru said

The whole post is great, but this I wanted to highlight:

Form a more perfect Union? Nah, not with the sort of wedge-issue politics the right had to pull to make this presidency happen. Establish justice? Gitmo, baby! Patriot Act! Yeah, I got your "justice" right here. Insure domestic tranquility? Oh yes indeed, their campaign to "change the tone" is going gangbusters. Provide for the common defense? "Bin Laden determined to attack inside the US"? What the fuck does that mean? Watch this drive! Promote the general welfare? Commie! Secure the Blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity? Jesus fucking Christ, wait until the grandkids get the bill for all this shit.

No, the purpose of the Bush presidency, which can be termed the "any old dumbfuck the right can get in" presidency was to loot the treasury by big tax cuts for the rich and through crony capitalism, effecting a large transfer of funds from the working poor and middle class in order to finance their continued fucking over by people who define winning in life by how much money and power they have with no finish line, except death, in sight. And since extremely rich people and their corporations should be a law unto themselves, the efficacy of the federal government should, they think, be dismantled as much as possible, either through underfunding or putting rank incompetents in positions of power where they can do the most damage.

Problem is, the red state little people who whooped and hollered at the idea of striking a blow against "Big Gub'mint" found that they wanted governments to be small, just not too small to bail them out when it was their own ass in the sling.

The upshot of all this is that Bush may well be a puppet that has figured out that he's president, but only to the extent that he's also figured out that being president isn't all that fun anymore. After fucking up the presidency, the only place to go is to be appointed Pope, and he's not Catholic.

The Iraq War? Definitely no fun.

Hurricane Katrina? No fun, but still, after losing an entire country, losing a city can't be all that bad, right?

The Right Wing Agenda? Sucks to get your ass kicked by the ghost of some former president in a wheelchair, don't it?

The Miers nomination shows that we are solidly in the "I don't care anymore" phase of the Bush presidency. Filling the spot left by the death of Chief Justice Renquist was easy: Roberts was a plant, the Manchurian Judge, a guy that was a political shill all his life and was made a judge for a couple years for just this contingency. It was, quite literally as much of a no-brainer as the wingnutty plan that Bush has been following.

Miers, on the other hand, shows that left to his own judgment, Bush simply can't be bothered. In this case to fill an opening in the Supreme Court, Bush quite literally picked whatever lawyer happened to be standing near him at the time that would rubber stamp his "judicial philosophy" which is, of course, that the president, provided he's a right winger, and especially when he's George W. Bush should be able to do whatever he wants without the lowly law interfering.



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